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Team Plum Crazy!

100km Trailwalker Challenge? No worries!

Four Team Plum Crazy!local mums (Fiona Nelson, Cathryn Kerr, Fiona Higgison (Greytown) & Angela Bush (Carterton) made a decision about 12 months ago to have a go at the Oxfam 100km Trailwaker challenge – which is where a team of 4 each have to complete 100km walk in Taupo. The event is a major fundraiser for the Oxfam Charity and has been going in New Zealand since 2006.

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Stability is important in life on so many levels! One that’s often batted about in rehabilitation circles is the idea of ‘core stability’.

In my view of the world, there’s a definite hierarchy when it comes to ‘stability’. The term ‘core stability’ is not only fad, outdated and difficult to correctly define (as it means different things to different people) – it’s also not exactly what I think we should be aiming for when rehabilitating people with injured backs, or when seeking to enhance performance.

I like to use metaphors when I’m explaining these things to people – that way you get a mental image of what I’m trying to explain – which helps it sink in.

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