What is pelvic health?
Issues in the pelvic region can sometimes be a source of embarrassment as well as not always being sure that the pelvis is the source of your concerns!
Our team of pelvic health physiotehrapists are experienced in working with men, women, and children and at giving you the safe space to talk about and describe the nature of your pain or difficulty.
Pelvic health is important for the quality of life of both both men and women. We’re here to help you overcome these challenges so that you can live a higher quality of life free from pain, discomfort and embarrassment. We know that talking about some of these topics is confronting and sensative so please rest assured that you will be treated with the utmost dignity and respect.
By focusing on pelvic health, we can help you to live with more freedom, comfort, and confidence, by overcoming conditions such as incontinence, prolapse, pelvic pain, coccyx pain and sexual dysfunction.
Every stage of life can present a range of health conditions that need navigating. Our team of pelvic health physiotherapists have a wide breadth of knowledge and skills which allow for an integrated approach that delivers the best health outcomes for you.
What we can help with:
- Post natal pelvic floor assessment and return to exercise guidance.
- Urine leakage – with coughing, sneezing, exercise
- Rehab following perineal tear or pelvic surgery (hysterectomy, C-section, 1st-4th degree tears).
- Diastasis Recti (abdominal separation)
- Sudden feeling of needing to pass urine with or without leakage.
- Pelvic Organ Prolapse -vaginal bulging, heaviness, dragging sensations.
- Bowel control – wind and faecal incontinence/urgency.
- General pelvic floor assessment and guidance at any age and stage.
- Overactive pelvic floor muscles resulting in pain/difficulty inserting tampon/intercourse

What to expect?
On your arrival you will be asked to complete a general private physiotherapy consent form. This is to gain your consent to the assessment and to share information with other health professionals, if needed, to refer you on.
Your first assessment with a pelvic health physiotherapist takes at least an hour in most cases. It is a very thorough assessment as your clinicians takes you through a series of questions and hears from you abour the difficulties you are having and then working on a plan to improve things for you.
An internal examination is sometimes needed determined the degree of presenting issues. Where this indicated the clinician will ensure that you understand fully what will be involved and that you consent to the examination.
How long will an appointment take?
An initial consultation take up to an hour and subsequent appointments will be between 30min – 40min.
Can I bring my baby/ toddler to the appointment – YES
We know how tricky it can be to arrange childcare so you are more than welcome to bring your child with you as long as you are comfortable doing so. If you have a toddler in tow, consider bringing some toys/ an activity for them do do while your physio is asking you questions or completing a physical exam. If you need to stop to feed your baby you are more than welcome to do so it may just limit the time we have to get through everything.
Can you refer me to a specialist – YES
Lisa has strong connections with local specialists and should there be a need will not hesitate to refer you to them or to your GP for further investigations/ assessment.
Will I definitely need an internal examination?
If an issue with the pelvic floor is identified then an internal examination is recommended to get a more accurate diagnosis and assessment of pelvic floor function. Our pelvic health physiotherapists are specifically trained to perform these examinations however if you do not wish to have one that will not prevent her from developing a tailored management program for you.
What if i have my period?
If you have your period it is totally up to you as to whether you are comfortable to go ahead with an examination or not. It can just as easily be performed at your next appointment if necessary.
Will my health insurance cover the cost of my appointments and products?
This will depend on your health insurance policy with regard to physiotherapy cover. Back In Action is a Southern Cross Easy-Claim provider so if you are insured with them we will be able to look up this detail for you. If with another insurer it is best you make contact with them. We can provide you with a full receipt at any stage to send to them.
How much will my appointments cost?
Details of our current fee structure are found here
Do you offer payment plans – YES
We don’t want you waiting to get the important help you need. Please let us know if you are unable to pay the full fee at the time of your consultation. We will arrange a payment plan with you which suits your budget and ensures you can continune with timely care.
Are there any restrictions due to COVID – NO
You are no longer required to wear a mask unless you wish to.