To exist is to change, to change is to mature…
To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on changing oneself endlessly. – Henri Bergson
Isn’t this a great quote by French philosopher Henri Bergson!
Our lives are full of change! Sometimes change is an anticipated delight and something which excites us and at other times change pushes us out of our comfort zone and into a place where we’re challenged. If there is one thing I’ve learnt in the last three years is that with change comes growth and indeed maturity.
My recipe for change, be it in business or in my personal life is to embrace it! It’s come your way for a reason and you’ll probably find that if you take a deep breath and hold on you’ll come out the other side better off.
Back In Action has changed a lot over the last three years and really that’s the way it should be don’t you think? To me development is change, keeping up with the needs of our clients and the demands of our service requires change and unexpected events …like fires also bring about change…..
The fire at Masterton Medical in February put our business interruption policy to the test. We were very lucky to not sustain any damage to our property and our main issue was being displaced. The lovely team headed by Michelle Glenny at Pathways came to our aide and kindly offered us space in the newly built Waiata House. And when I say space I mean SPACE!
The room available for use was some 8 times the size of what we had at Masterton Medical so we made the most of the opportunity and used it to capacity. The ability to test the Masterton demand confirmed our suspicions which was that the demand for our service in Masterton is high and warranted another full time physio!
With the decision by Masterton Medical to not return to the Lincoln Rd site confirmed we were able to put into place plans for a more permanent and larger clinic space in Masterton. Unable to stay at Waiata House our search led us all over Masterton finally making the decision to take a space at 31 Chapel St. Many of you will know this as the Departmental Building, it’s not easy to miss as you come down Chapel St as it’s the tallest building in the town!
We moved in and opened for business on the 14th July and so far we’re pretty happy with how it’s all come together. The space currently boasts two treatment rooms, a gym area and reception. The ground floor space makes it easily accessible and parking is a breeze.
We would love to hear your feedback about the new clinic so please feel free to leave us a comment below.